Get easily, Set sleekily , Route smoothly in the Cloud

August 03, 2018 07:29

The first generation of microservices was primarily shaped by Netflix OSS and leveraged by numerous Spring Cloud annotations all throughout your business logic. The next generation of microservices will leverage sidecars and a service mesh. In this session, we will give you a taste of Envoy and Istio, two open source projects that will change the way you write Cloud Native, Java Applications on Kubernetes.

Service Mesh alleviates most common distributed computing pain points like smart routing, traffic splitting, smart canaries etc., In this session we will explore on how to download, setup Istio on your local laptop, deploy few Java Microservices as part of the Istio Service Mesh via Istio sidecar proxy. By virtue of adding a sidecar the applications will be spiced with ability in splitting traffic between various version of services, smart routing using request headers, doing chaos engineering etc., “ALL THESE WITHOUT CODE REDEPLOYS”



Kamesh Sampath


An Author, Consultant and Developer Advocate; Kamesh is Product Manager for Managed and Developer Services at Red Hat.

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