Quarkus - a shrink ray to your Java Application

February 08, 2020 08:40

Historically Java was able to handle the biggest enterprise problem(s) with its "Write once,run anywhere"(WORA) paradigm. With Cloud Native Applications grown to popularity, things like running applications as linux containers, serverless taking centere stage -- Java was pushed back by languages like golang, node.js as the forerunner to build Cloud Native Applications as they are smaller, quicker and argulably more nimble.

In this session we will see how the birth of Quarkus is bringing back the crown to Java as defacto language to build the enterprise applications. This demo filled session will start to explore how to create, build and deploy Cloud Native Java applications using Quarkus. The Java applications built this way are tiny as a subatomic particle(Quark) and tend to boot and run at supersonic speed.

The session also shows Quarkus as a "Developer's Joy" with things like live reload, building interactive database applications with Hibernate and Panache. With its plethora of extensions developers will feel developing Java applications is ever awesome.



Kamesh Sampath


An Author, Consultant and Developer Advocate; Kamesh is Product Manager for Managed and Developer Services at Red Hat.

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