The web is getting pushy - 4Developers

April 11, 2016 19:56

The battle between native and web rages on. The browsers are fighting hard to tear down the benefits that native developers have relied on since the inception of mobile platforms. Geolocation, sorted. Accelerometer, done. Performance, we'll come back to that. But one of the greatest draws for native developers has been push notifications, for the web, email alerts just don't cut it.

But now, new in browsers for 2015, is the Service Worker. Born out of the struggle to make the Appcache work for offline capable sites, it has also brought the advent of push notifications to the web. Through building up an example application live, you will learn how to implement the Service Worker to not only serve up an app when you're offline but enhance the online experience with push notifications.

The battle may continue, but the web is definitely pushing back.




Phil Nash


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