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Robin Drexler
Hops - Universal flexible and extensible React applications
Hops is a framework that gets you started quickly with your React a...
preconnect, prefetch, preload, pre-what?-An introduction to Resource Hints
preconnect, prefetch, prerender, dns-prefetch, preload, pre-what?
How to speed up your page loads with resource hints
7+ web technologies you might not know yet
A brief rundown about potentially lesser known web technologies, in...
Behavior testing at Jimdo
This talk covers how we behavior-test the Jimdo website builder app...
Why you should deploy HTTPS. Even if user security is not your top priority
HH.js edition
HTTPS everywhere - why we all should care (Lightning talk)
UX-Snippets - When products delight (Lightning talk)
Road to Google Cloud Print
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